The Begining


My dream sport is the Skiing 





In my childhood, and we are in the 50s now, I loved the snowy, cold winter landscapes. We lived in the greenbelt, named "Zuglo", and I was "törököri" child ( Zuglo is in a external distcrit in Budapest), and When I was a kid, and who lived in that area at that time, they know that the family housing areas were adjacent to high meadows, hills and There were bulgarian gardeners who vast cultivated the "Bulgarian lands" . It was the ideal place for sledding, skiing and enjoy the beauty of the snowy landscape. You do not have to think big hills, but at this time we were very glad for every meter and we arranged sledge competitions regularly who can sled farther and farther from a particular line on the top of the hill. Needless to say that since then, this part was integrated housing blocks, so we did not want to live there. Another Home Resort was the Mexican side of the railway ( Named Mexiko street ) embankment in this period, which is offered for me 1-2 seconds Ski Experience, but at that age it ignored the clamber up. As I mentioned I loved the sledding and it is connected with an interesting story to, namely that in his time, the Post letter cars was fed uniformly with vehicle batteries, by electric-powered motor. Of course, towards the end of the day, when The cars went home to the home ( Post Office Egressy road vehicle's yard ), he moved very slowly, due to a discharged battery. Well, that's what guys, it is used properly, because we hanged our sledge, and the driver could not drive back the car, and we really enjoyed the trip buckshee. I had this problem too, because it is so "quenched" poor capstan that finally stopped. Then running, but from the driver because he had an "educational tool". It should be added to the story it is that the climate of the 50s on a permanent basis as if it were colder, on the other hand it did not salted roads, because something, so I had no vehicle. Budapest and thus the suburban parts of the country more like climate.

Then came the freedom of skiing, the Bell Valley was the base where they had a house at the end of the valley, near the bus stop, but it did not say was what size bus, so there stored in my ski, two-foot piece of wood with spring bindings, the ski boots at that time it was more like a ski boot as hiking boots, ankle because it could turn away from the foot. I remember we got back all the hot tea upon arrival, and all of them, have been a symbolic amount. The slopes were on the top of the bell valley, on the one hand the "small college", on the other hand, the steeper "standard tree" were the slopes, where the bar felcipelve I reached my shoulder. This very grueling tour was up, not to mention the fact that these slopes had no car, so each slip, dismounting and walking back up to the top of the slope. But who thought a lift anything, I enjoyed the glide though brief, was the company formed a core team because over the years, who are as enthusiastic practicing this wonderful sport in all its beauty. There was always the last session the most enjoyable, as was the síházig lesíelni without dismounting. There were more years it was 35 ski days, so I did the "free" ski hill so many times with excellent snow conditions. Because of the global warming that is impossible today, and rejoice in the winter sports lovers, children or parents, when a seven come together when the snow is maintained continuously in Normafa. Today, everyone will go up by car, there is parking, now the other skiers up there, if we can talk about the Szabadhegy egyátalán síéletről. From time to time been made to construct experiments elevator was even at a small university slope, cable car, a little strong word, an approximately fifty-meter-long steel wire rope, which the waist knit belt, at the end u-shaped tail, they had to use a rope hanging. In itself this was quite dangerous elevators worked well then and when he wanted. So I usually I do not take these miracle To walk stayed in. Today in our modern world this whole "ceremony", very few ski crazy incur.

Being a railroader family, because my father was a railwayman travel that benefited the family, all the members, and promised the thought that at that time the only "high hegyünkön", that the Matra how to ski. So I traveled fast train Vámosgyörkig, then train from Gyöngyös my back to the strip. At that time also I seemed interesting figure, because no one has followed my example. On the way back option without changing clothes, tired but I had an amazing síélményekkel to travel between richer. That option was the '50s, for those who have carried their cells by this wonderful sport experiences. Since I do not know how many times I've done on this trip, it occurred to me a thought, seeing the "Újpest Dózsa" sports club Kékestető síházát, he is hands guild members in the alpine disciplines, what can happen up to say no, but wonder of wonders, have been recruited. From now on I smoked myself as a contender basics of skiing, and since it was a private síháznak is located, right bunk beds, but who cared, finally fulfilled all my dreams ♥

With boundless happiness I lived my days, came the black soup, or the school, absenteeism row, parental admonitions. At that time it was not possible privately to continue studies in primary school, so I had to cancel a series of training and competition. But thank God, it came to an unfortunate situation, through my parents moved to Gyöngyös and there I could continue my studies at school. After these records back to the ski slopes, blue-North Galyatetõ where the races were usually bluish-south, but there was also competition in Liberty Hill. I had a lot of races with varying success, had to admit that after the initial great start for me will not be erdményes students. This did not take away my mood of this wonderful sport, because to this day I can say that my heart was beating when I see better ski slopes, has become simply an indescribable passion. Otherwise there was no point in continuing to pursue university studies because then it would not have been possible. I should mention Bartus Nicholas t heir who was at that time Hungarian champion, and in Hungary compared to the scarcity of training opportunities at times took the field compete with European language as well.

Completed initial thoughts, I can say that to this day I have not specialized in one of the "szerelmemtől" because every year in winter, 2-3 times a week I spend foreign ski resorts. Let us introduce the reader to describe some of my experiences and Ski Centre, which are certainly useful for skiing enthusiasts, or just wishing to ski, now a number of nice camp, for. No timeline is haphazardly made the experience beszámolóimat, good surfing.




Daddy what is a transvestite?
Ask Mommy, he knows.

