Search - "Joseph Hardtmuth"

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1. Paintings

I remember when I was around nine years old, I was watching the changing of faces and movements of human bodies and these observations incited me to start drawing these images. I started drawing with pencil. My subjects were people in the streets, for example, women with shopping bags. I also remember, my first memories of drawing were of a pub owner called Mr Ruttner in VorosmartyStreet who was always standing at his doorway and he was quite an interesting character, so I started drawing him. I liked the coloured pencils that I...

2. Festészet

Emlékszem, amikor kb. 9 éves lehettem, figyeltem az emberi alakok, arcok változásait, mozgásokat, és ez a megfigyelés ihletett arra hogy ezen vizuális "látványokat" lerajzoljam. A rajzolásaimat ceruzával kezdtem, témáim, az utca emberei voltak, például a bevásárló nők a szatyorral, vagy emlékszem arra, hogy az első rajzokkal kapcsolatos élmények az voltak, hogy a Vörösmarty utcában a Ruttner kocsmáros &aa...


Q: How do you know that carrots are good for your eyesight?

A: Have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses?
