Margit Deák ( Kepes Lászlóné )




Margit Deák was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1939.She began drawing during childhood and was always interested in the wonderful world of colours.  After finishing school she applied to the College of Fine Arts, Budapest, in 1958, and out of 1,200 applicants, made it through to the final 30.  Margit met the artistic requirements of the entrance examination but she was not admitted because her beliefs did not match those of the Hungarian communist regime. As an alternative, Margit studied at the College of Window Dressers.  During the first year of her studies she also attended a drawing course led by Emil Ven, a respected Hungarian artist.  Margit did many portraits during the one and a half year course and remembers that Emil Ven helped her to understand how to draw eyes. Margit had a 35 year career working as window dresser and visual merchandising designerfor a Hungarian clothes and accessories retail chain.  Upon retiring and with more time on her hands, Margit started drawing and painting in watercolour with renewed enthusiasm. Later she became interested in oil painting and in 2003 started attending a painting course held in her local district area.On this course she developed her oil painting style and wona prize with two landscape oil paintings at a national exhibition in 2004.  She held her first solo exhibition in Budapest in 2006 and has participated in around 50 exhibitions in Hungary to date.  Every year she attends summer courses which are organised by the painting circles in different parts of Hungary.  Margit works with a number of techniques, pencil, pen and ink, watercolour, acrylic and oil.  Her favourite subject is portraits and she also likes landscapes, animals and still life.  Please take the time to look over some of her works on this website.  Also available for commissions.








Daddy what is a transvestite?
Ask Mommy, he knows.

