7 foods againts the overweight



When eaten on a regular basis, foods with anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation in the body, helping to prevent the long-term health consequences associated with it — but only if you also eliminate the foods that cause inflammation. When inflammation is under control, not only will you have more energy and feel better overall, but you’ll also find that weight loss and reduction of belly fat both become easier!

Try adding anti-inflammatory foods into your meal plan on a daily basis. The more often you eat these foods, the less inflammation that will be present in your body. The following foods and nutrients can fight inflammation:



 1  Fruits and vegetables




All fruits and vegetables rich in nutrients and fiber that are essential for our body excellent potential for the prevention of inflammation, but these are in daily consumption. There are some of them which can achieve extremely high effects.

Some highly potent antioxidants such as apples, nuts seeds of these is the "king"
the broccoli, mushrooms, papaya, pineapple, pomegranate, plum jam without sugar "Satmar", grape seed meal and spinach. In addition, because the spinach is rich in vitamins B content soothes the nervous system.


2   Green tea




In the case of daily consumption, a very good weight reduction, very strong antioxidant because it contains EGCG, (which is a potent antioxidant, EGCG is, Epigallocatechin gallate, which ester of catechin compounds available), and in addition to reducing the risk of cancer , warns against heart disease. Building on the diet increases the overall immunity, prevents clot formation, slows the aging process, delaying the age related illness. Reduces high blood pressure, and obesity are more likely. It reduces the risk of cancer, especially against cancers caused by smoking with.


3   Monounsaturated fats




The fats are fatty acids that are linked together by chemical bonding. These chemical bonds are dependent on the quality of the target group to which fat. There are fat animals, fat molecules are linked to each other by a single bond.

These saturated fats, and generally speaking about them to significantly damage the heart, circulatory system (mainly because they consume far more of them than necessary). It is responsible for high cholesterol returned, the overweight ( and 
blockage of blood vessels ). Most fats of animal origin are included, as well as the vegetable palm fat and coconut fat. Hidden forms occur for example. in meat products, but also in hard cheese.

Another group of unsaturated fatty acids containing at least one double bond is found, those between chemical bonds - monounsaturated fats, these are the heart healthy fats that help maintain the healthy
HDL cholesterol levels and reduce the body's inflammatory diseases formation. Such sources of olive oil, almonds and avocados.


 Omega-3 fatty acids


Research has shown that a diet with a high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids and a low percentage of omega-6 fatty acids has been linked with decreased inflammation. Food sources of omega-3s include walnuts, flaxseed, and fish, such as wild Alaskan salmon.

The long-chain omega-3 fatty acid - DHA and EPA - EPA (a 20 carbon atoms in length polyunsaturated fatty acid is eicosapentaenoic acid, which is used for treating cardiovascular diseases, and decreases cholesterol level and lack of blood clots to form, artificially not can be produced only in nature, the DHA meaning, docosahexaenoic acid, and a 22-carbon length of polyunsaturated fatty acids) benefits of one of the most well-known effects on the cardiovascular system, which are known in the 1970s by researchers in Greenland, when studying Eskimos. The Eskimos very much, fats from marine animals consume, but still virtually unknown among them cardiovascular disease. Of these fats high quantities of omega-3 fatty acids reduce triglyceride (a type of blood fat) levels, heart rate, blood pressure and arteriosclerosis.

"There is, however, an omega-6 fatty acid (linoleic acid and arachidonic acid), which is also essential for the human body, but no matter how much they are introduced into our bodies. Omega-6 fatty acids in soybean oil, corn oil, olive oil, burdock, rapeseed oil, as well as much of the oil seeds (eg. sunflower, peanut, poppy) and articles of these oils. Persons who hold a low-fat diet or who are the Omega-6 content is insufficient, and often very dry. The omega-6 fatty acids reduce the levels of bad LDL cholesterol, but a very high recording unfortunately reduce HDL levels. Since a high intake of omega-6 fatty acids, enhance the free radicals damaging effects, and therefore increase the risk of cancer. The omega-6 fatty acids for this reason We should strive for the limited input, or at least keep the balance elsewhere intake of omega-3 fatty acids in abundance. "

It is important to know that no matter how much these two types of fatty acids in the body with the intake ratio. Linseed oil is the only type of oil, which contains Omega 3 more than omega 6. Rapeseed oil is almost the same in number (1: 2), hemp oil 1: shows a 3 ratio, while the nut oil 1: 6, of olive oil, 1: 11, the corn germ oil 1: 50, and the well known sunflower oil 1: 120.

Recommended daily amount of omega-3 fatty acid 1-2 g of omega-6 fatty acids, however, the recommended daily intake be kept below 3 g. The respective quantities too as important by the fact that our diets contain these fatty acids in the optimal ratio. They say the professionals that omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid intake of 1: 3 to 1: 5 ratio is recommended, however, this ratio up to 1:30 is possible, which can have very serious dangers, as the omega-6 consumption of large amounts of fatty acids - in addition to the beneficial properties - may have serious consequences: contribute to the development of inflammatory processes and predispose to the formation of free radicals that lead to the risk of developing atherosclerosis, for example to increase.

Omega-3 fatty acids rich sources of nutrients: walnuts, flax seeds, fish (salmon - especially wild Alaskan salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, trout, mussels, oysters, crabs and cod) and omega-3 eggs.


5 Spices



Certain spices, including garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and chili peppers, have potent inflammation-reducing capabilities, so try adding them to meals as often as possible.

Certain spices powerful inflammation-reducing capabilities, such as garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger and chili peppers.

A little linger in the dried garlic. Garlic is a miracle herb, a gift from God, one of the most rewarding plants in vegetable gardens, because relatively undemanding, so little care is beautiful harvest will thank you.

Pre- and native to South Asia; Due to the specific flavoring effect all over the world prefer. Some ancient peoples magical powers attributed to him in Egypt venerated as a holy plant. In the Middle Ages also attributed her healing and cleansing power.

A typical smell of a sulfur-containing material, the Ajoene enter. 100 grams of garlic, which has healing properties because in ancient times and the Middle Ages, much has been estimated, 6.8 g protein, 26.3 g carbohydrates, 0.1 grams of fat and contain 137 kcal. The garlic bulbs are the highest in the content of nitrogen and phosphorus but also potassium, magnesium and calcium inside. Garlic also contains A, B, C, and E-vitamins. Due to the complex components significant immune-boosting effects, and cooked just lost the vitamin C content.

Many people are reluctant to eat raw garlic, because they contain essential oils that will leave the next day through the skin, so we feel on our skin odor. However, say that the amazing healing properties far superior to those inconveniences, which in any case "can be controlled by event, that is appropriate occasions we consume." It is therefore best if the peeled garlic, the way it is, uncooked introduced into our bodies.

Very effective against cancer wonder spice, reduce the daily consumption of a clove of garlic in the breast, stomach, prostate, colon and esophageal cancer risk of the formation. By consuming the blood pressure has been shown to be reduced (an established, strong  blood pressure, the garlic can only be used as additional therapy, medication alone has little effect), the elasticity of blood vessels, however, can be increased. The amount of deposition of cholesterol in arterial wall can be significantly less than the regular consumption of garlic, such as natural "drug" can be used to treat cholesterol problems. Garlic has anti-microbial effect of Aristotle and Hippocrates described. Because antimicrobial effect of the Second World War has also been used to prevent infection of wounds. Of course, who are taking any medication, especially among vascular medications, they should consult their doctor for garlic is used, which could include the blood thinners may be drugs.


6 Water



Water is essential is our nature, because without water there is no life. While we are without foods up to 30 days, but without water only three days. Body approximately 65% water. As we are growing old, the water content decreases. While a baby's body is 80% water, while the elderly, leading to only 50%. The water ensures the circulation of the blood osmotic pressure, dissolving the necessary nutrients, of absorption, transport, affect the blood acid-base balance, thermostatic role, which ensures a constant internal temperature us.

An adult needs 2 to 2.5 liters of fluid a day. The amount of influence the physical activity (30 minutes of active exercise every additional half a liter of water requires the input of) weather, illness with fever, diarrhea and so on. This liquid diet and direct recording can be covered.


7 Whole grains



Whole grains rich in fiber, thereby aiding digestion, include vitamin E, the B vitamins in many kinds of different minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium. The specialist's opinion is supported by the protective effect of whole grains against diseases such as coronary heart disease (CHD), certain types of cancer or type 2 diabetes, obesity, or simply.

Refined flour is the most popular version, since in this form may be kept the longest. During processing, chopped, finely ground cereal grains, which will be lost by the grain center fiber, oils, proteins, vitamins B, and that a large part of the nutrients. The whole wheat flour contains the entire grain mineral and nutrient content, physiologically consumption is therefore important.

The whole grains help the body to insulin secretion, and due to the high content of vitamin B reduced the risk of developing inflammatory diseases.







Q: How do you know that carrots are good for your eyesight?

A: Have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses?
