Hungarian watermelon

The Greatest Health Benefits


Watermeleon are generally water-about 92%- but this amazing fruit is also soakd with many nutrents. Every juice bite has impressive levels os vitamins C, B6 and A, lots of antioxidants, amino acids, and lycopene. There is even some amount of potassium. Moreover, this ideal summer snack is really low in sodium, fat-free, and has just 40 calories per cup.


Health Benefits of Watermelon

Consuming fruits and veggies of all kinds have long been linked to a decreased risk of various lifestyle-related health conditions. Numerous studies have found that increasing consumption of plant foods (as watermelons) reduces the risk of diabetes, obesity, heart diseases, and overall mortality, and promotes an increased energy, healthy hair and complexion, and overall lower weight. Here are the greatest health benefits of eating watermelons:

1. Blood Pressure

According to the American Journal of Hypertension, watermelon extract supplementation can reduce brachial blood pressure, ankle blood pressure, and carotid wave reflection in overweight middle-aged people with stage 1 hypertension or prehypertension, and can improve arterial function. Diets rich in lycopene (a potent compound found in watermelons) can help protect against heart disease.

2. Skin

Watermelon is also fantastic for the skin because it contains vitamin A, an important nutrient needed for sebum production that keeps hair moisturized. This vitamin is also required for the growth of all bodily tissues, including hair and skin.

Moreover, adequate intake of vitamin C (1 cup of watermelon provides 21% of the daily recommendations) is also needed for the structure and maintenance of collagen, which gives structure to hair and skin. This fruit also contributes to hydration that is crucial for having healthy looking hair and skin.

3. Cancer

As a great source of the powerful antioxidant vitamin C and other antioxidants, watermelons can help fight the formation of free radicals that cause cancer. The intake of lycopene has been associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer prevention in some studies.

4. Digestion and Regularity

Due to their great content of water and fiber, watermelons can help to prevent constipation and support regularity for a healthy digestive tract.

5. Inflammation

Watermelons contain choline, a very significant and versatile nutrient, which helps our bodies in learning, memory, muscle movement, and sleep. Choline also supports the structure of the cellular membrane, assists in the transmission of nerve impulses, helps in the absorption of fat and decreases chronic inflammation.

6. Asthma Prevention

The risk for developing asthma is lower in individuals who eat a high amount of certain nutrients. Vitamin C is one of these nutrients and it can be found in many fruits and veggies, including watermelons.

Find the most important vitamins and minerals that our body needs:

7. Muscle soreness

Watermelon juice and watermelon have been proven to decrease muscle soreness and improve recovery time following the workout in athletes. Scientists thought this is likely doing to the amino acid L-citrulline contained in this refreshing fruit.

Possible Health Risks of Consuming Watermelon

It’s the complete diet or general eating pattern that is most significant in disease prevention and achieving great health. Therefore, it’s better to eat a diet with diversity than to concentrate just on individual foods as the key to great health.



Source:LIVESCI=NCE , biokultura


A lawyer was just waking up from anesthesia after surgery, and his wife was sitting by his side. His eyes fluttered open and he said, "You're beautiful!" and then he fell asleep again. His wife had never heard him say that so she stayed by his side.

A couple of minutes later, his eyes fluttered open and he said, "You're cute!" Well, the wife was dissapointed because instead of "beautiful," it was "cute." She asked, "What happened to 'beautiful'?" His reply was "The drugs are wearing off!"
